Publications Committee

Chase LaDue

JEMA: Katie Gibson, Aaron Halling, Jenny Mitchell

Gray Matters: Caleb Ulick


The Publications Committee is responsible for curating, developing, editing, producing, and distributing EMA member resources including the Journal of the Elephant Managers Association (JEMA, published three times per year), Gray Matters (published six times per year), conference proceedings, and the annual report. The most recent EMA publications can be viewed online here.

All EMA publications are produced and distributed exclusively online, sent to member email inboxes as soon as they are released.

The Publications Committee also maintains EMA's digital library, housing all of EMA's historical publications. EMA members can access the digital library by clicking here.

For information about how to submit material to be published in JEMA or Gray Matters, click here, or contact us at

The Elephant Managers Association (EMA) is an international, 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization.

All rights reserved. © 2023 Elephant Managers Association.

1513 Cambridge Street, Houston TX 77030

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